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Company Sales

We excel in selling businesses valued between £5m to £100m+.

The sale of your business can be one of the biggest events of your life. It typically represents some of your greatest achievements and your life’s work. The decision cannot be taken lightly, but will present the ability to realise significant value and free up time to spend with family or loved ones.

The sale of a business can therefore mean many things and its value has multiple components. We make a personal commitment to each and every one of our clients to ensure we craft a tailored deal strategy around those objectives to deliver the best possible outcome, rather than overlay a standardised M&A process. We combine tactical nous and best in class global deal execution with an agility and dealmaking flair that our independent structure affords us.

We ensure you receive the required time and attention at all times from a senior partner-led team maximising the opportunities to provide impactful insight.

Key Considerations

Is your business sale ready?

For many shareholders and entrepreneurs succession is a topic that is often discussed in passing but very seldom explored in detail due to the daily pressures of running a business.

We work closely with our clients in the lead up to an exit ensuring that this succession strategy is carefully planned and any value enhancements can be delivered ahead of taking the business to market.

How reliant is the business on you?

The key to both a premium valuation and a favourable deal structure are ensuring that the business has an appropriate management team in place who are incentivised to deliver long term growth.

We can advise on what is expected and how the right story is positioned to the ultimate acquiror.

Are there any "skeletons in the closet?"

Preparation is key. We take each and every client through a detailed series of workshops to ensure any skeletons or value drags are identified early and rectified. This significantly enhances deal deliverability and certainty.

What is my business worth?

Private company valuation is an extremely complex process fraught with issues with the ultimate determinant being the market. We can advise on comparable and current market sentiment but our role at Bishopsgate is to carefully examine the drivers of business value and work alongside our clients to position the right equity and growth story to a carefully selected group of buyers to ensure we exceed expectations.

Recent Company Sales Deals



Business & Professional Services

Technology & Software

Industrial & Manufacturing

Deal Type








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